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Suite Masaccio is located on third floor, and is the largest room in the palace.

On the side wall of the wide living area we can admire the fresco from the 15th century, depicting the Virgin Mary with the Child, assisted by four saints, four standing angels, and four kneeling.

This fresco has been attributed to a painter from Cortona named Bicci Di Lorenzo, workshop’s assistant of Masaccio, one of the most important Renaissance painter in Tuscany.

The first figure to the right of the Virgin is the Archangel Michael, originally the patron saint of Cortona, before being replaced on 25th April 1261 by Saint Marc, on the occasion of the return of the Ghibellines to Cortona, driven out two years earlier by the Guelphs (the two factions that at the time they supported the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope respectively).
On the same level we find the main sleeping area, with a king size bed and, on the opposite side, a window with a view. The other double bed is on the mezzanine, reached by a historic wooden staircase.
The bathroom, with tub and shower, is on the mezzanine level, to respect the original shape of the rooms.
The original features of the building have been preserved throughout the room, with terracotta floors on the main level, and solid wood on the mezzanine, wooden tiles on the ceiling, the two wooden columns supporting the arch that leads to the double bed, and the ancient connecting doors that house two wardrobes.
Two air conditioners guarantee an optimal temperature.



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