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Suite La Terrazza is located on second floor. It is accessible by an ancient stone staircase (challenging, but our staff will be at your service).

A lounge day area, featuring a sofa, a dining trable, and a closet, welcomes the guests.
In the night area you can find a king size bed and a lounge/office area on the mezzanine, with a sofa  that can also be used as a single bed.

Floors features the original ancient terracotta tiles, and wooden beams on the ceiling.

The main feature of the Suite is the beautiful covered panoramic terrace, carved on the side of the building. It overlooks the lower part of the roofs of Cortona, then the view opens onto the Valdichiana, and embraces from Monte Amiata to Lake Trasimeno.

Thanks to our room service, you can enjoy your terrace ordering breakfast in the room during the morning, and a nice wine during the evening.




Prezzo a partire da: 207 per notte

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